In traditional Star Wars fashion, Obi-Wan once said, "Many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view." With the 40th anniversary of The Empire Strikes Back upon us, that's still the case.
After nearly four months of speculation, Del Rey Publishing took to Twitter on Tuesday morning to unveil each of the stories that would be included in the next installment of the From A Certain Point Of View series.
1. Kiersten White, "Eyes of the Empire"
2. Mark Oshiro, "Hunger"
3. Emily Skrutskie, "Ion Control"
4. C. B. Lee, "A Good Kiss"
5. Delilah S. Dawson, "She Will Keep Them Warm"
6. Amy Ratcliffe, "Heroes of the Rebellion"
7. Gary Whitta, "Rogue Two"
8. Charles Yu, "Kendal"
9. R. F. Kuang, "Against All Odds"
10. Michael Moreci, "Beyond Hope"
11. Christie Golden, "The Truest Duty"
12. Hank Green, "A Naturalist on Hoth"
13. Katie Cook, "The Dragonsnake Saves R2-D2"
14. Beth Revis, "For the Last Time"
15. Jason Fry, "Rendezvous Point"
16. Seth Dickinson, "The Final Order"
17. Django Wexler, "Amara Kel's Rules for TIE Pilot Survival (Probably)"
18. Jim Zub, "The First Lesson"
19. Mike Chen, "Disturbance"
20. Catherynne M. Valente, "This Is No Cave"
21. John Jackson Miller, "Lord Vader Will See You Now"
22. Tracy Deonn, "Vergence"
23. Michael Kogge, "Tooth and Claw"
24. Daniel José Older, "STET!"
25. Zoraida Córdova, "Wait for It"
26. Sarwat Chadda, "Standard Imperial Procedure"
27. Mackenzi Lee, "There Is Always Another"
28. Cavan Scott, "Fake It Till You Make It"
29. S. A. Chakraborty, "But What Does He Eat?"
30. Lilliam Rivera, "Beyond the Clouds"
31. Austin Walker, "No Time for Poetry"
32. Martha Wells, "Bespin Escape"
33. Brittany N. Williams, "Faith in an Old Friend"
34. Rob Hart, "Due on Batuu"
35. Karen Strong, "Into the Clouds"
36. Adam Christopher, "The Witness"
37. Alexander Freed, "The Man Who Built Cloud City"
38. Anne Toole, "The Backup Backup Plan"
39. Lydia Kang, "Right-Hand Man"
40. Tom Angleberger, "The Whills Strike Back"
Only 35 days left until the release of From A Certain Point Of View: The Empire Strikes Back. Which story are you most excited for?
Stay tuned to Friends of the Force for complete coverage of this release, including lengthy discussions with special guests and interviews with the authors.
Check out our previous interview with Brittany N. Williams, who wrote the chapter "Faith in an Old Friend" about L3-37!